Fleas Control Manchester
Pest advice for the prevention, and the treatment of fleas.

Do you have a Fleas control problem in Manchester? Rodent X are here to help!
The Latin name for fleas is Order Siphonaptera. They are very small at approximately 2.55 mm in length, their bodies are usually light red and they have microscopic hair to help it move around in animal fur. They are not able to fly although they are capable of jumping up to 8 inches vertically, which is more than 140 times their own size.
The most common way for homes to become infested with fleas is through owning animals such as cats and dogs, or if you move into a new home that already has an ongoing infestation.
Fleas survive by feeding on blood. They sometimes feed on rodents and when they die they will search for another animal with preferably warm blood such as cats, dogs, and even people if nothing else is available. Their bites can cause some serious problems such as spreading the murine typus disease from feeding on infected rats before feeding on a person. Their bites are also very itchy, unpleasant to look at, and can cause an allergic reaction in both humans and pets.
Identifying a Flea Infestation
You may see fleas jumping and moving around your carpets and other areas
Your pet is often itching and scratching it's fur and seems uncomfortable
You see small insects moving in your pets coat'
You have excessive small red itchy bumps on your skin on a regular basis
If you have any indication that your home may be infested with Fleas call Rodent X Asap
How To Prevent Flea Infestations
Because fleas are so small it can be quite challenging to keep your home infestation free, however, there are a few septs you can take to help prevent one from occurring. Keeping your dogs away from other dogs when you go for a walk will help as the fleas can only jump so far, and giving your pets a flea treatment on a monthly basis can stop the infestation before it gets going. Hoovering your floors often can help massively as this can pick up any eggs the female lays, which can sometimes be in the hundreds. Finally, another way that can be effective is washing yours and your pet's bedding on high heat can kill any fleas and flea eggs that are currently situated on it.
How We Remove Your Flea Infestation at Fleas Control Manchester
Removing fleas can be a complicated process as they can be situated in different parts of your home, they are very small and they spread rapidly in high numbers. This is why it's important to call Manchester Pest Control as we specialise in Flea Control.
At Rodent X we will locate the areas that your fleas are residing in, find what hosts your fleas are feeding on such as yourself, your animals, or any rodents that may be present, and then we will begin the extermination process. This is an insecticide spray that we use that when targeted with the infested areas, will exterminate all the fleas present. Depending on the severity of the infestation we may need 2-3 visits to fully remove the problem, and any areas we treat we need to be kept clear from any people or animals for around 3-4 hours to guarantee your safety.
If you think you have an infestation please do not hesitate to give us a call as fleas multiply fast and the more of them there are, the more difficult it is to remove them. So for expert flea control please call Manchester Fleas Control on 07541971946.